Saturday, April 25, 2015

Toddler Schedule

I've been asked a lot about sharing Adam's schedule. I showed it when Adam was about seven months old - so now I'm showing you an updated version now that he's a toddler. I've changed it up a bit throughout the months as he drank less and ate more and as he napped less, but here is where we're at today.

A couple of notes:
- Adam is not breastfed, so if you're breastfeeding, this is probably not the schedule for you.
- You will probably have to tweak for your own toddler's needs because all babies are different.

 Example Toddler Schedule

     - Wake-up
     - Put on clothes
     - Breakfast
         > 4oz Milk
         > Cereal and Fruit
     - Playtime
     - Reading Time (except Wednesday, Baby Time at Kennesaw Library)
     - Lunch
          > 4oz Milk
          > Meat, Veggies, Fruit, Grain
     - Naptime
          > If he wakes before, let play in crib alone unless he is crying
     - Snack
          > 4oz Milk
          > Fruit,  Cheese, Veggies
     - Playtime
     - Dinner
          > 4oz Milk
          > Whatever you’re eating in bite size portions; he can self-feed
          > Feed with spoon anything that he can’t pick up
     - Playtime
7:45-8:00 p
     - Bath (every other day)
     - Prayers and Paci
     - Bedtime
           > Kiss and say goodnight before laying down
           > Put on back, big blanket, little blanket
           > No talking once he’s laying down

Now it's time for you to tell me! What works best for your toddler? Do you have a schedule or are you a "fly by the seat of your pants" type of person? Share in the comments!

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