Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Happy, Scared Baby

Yay! We've been in our house for one year! Time has flown! Also - I have to really get moving on decorating. My walls are too bare.

Rusty's dad told us that Grammy's grandkids would be over, so we decided to join them so that Adam could play with his cousins. Not only did Adam get to bond with JoLynn and Jade, but he also got to enjoy jamming with Rusty and Grandpa. This kid loves music!

This week, we decided to surprise my dad (Papa) at his work and went out to lunch with him! He was very excited as was his coworkers! I love all these moments when Adam gets to bond with grandparents.

We found out something this week. Adam LOVES to be scared. We spent a long time jumping out behind corners to listen to him scream and then laugh hysterically. Julie was able to capture it when she jumped out at him from behind the couch.

Oh, and here Adam is in his new chair.

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