Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Blessing of Family

We had some guests this week and it was such an amazing blessing. My grandparents - that would be Adam's great-grandparents - traveled up from Florida to visit their FIRST great-grandchild. They waited a couple of weeks after he was born, so that the hub-bub died down. Also, my grandfather HATES the cold, absolutely hates it, so they figured it would be warmer if they waited until May.

Anyways, it was so wonderful to see my grandparents since I don't see them that often, but it was an even greater joy for Adam to get to meet his first set of great-grandparents. Four generations in one room is just amazing.

 Oh, and also, we took our first "family photo" this week! We realized after we looked through all of our hospital photos and newborn photos that we didn't have any of us three.

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