Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Newborn Photos Are In!

My sister, an amazing photographer (Katie Cooper Photography), worked hard taking, reviewing and editing Adam’s newborn photos. 

This baby did not want to cooperate one bit, so we got very few of those sweet sleeping baby photos. 

She did great capturing his little personality though. 

Even having known him for a short time, our miniature schnauzer, Kirby, has decided he will be the protector. If anyone other than Rusty or myself are holding the baby, Kirby is right beside them, keeping watch. I was nervous that he would not like him, but am excited that they will continue to grow close. 

Fun tidbit – Adam, we have found in his three weeks on this earth, will pee as soon as you take off his diaper. He feels that cold air and there it goes… well, the newborn shoot was no exception.

Luckily, I had the foresight to put a towel underneath the sheet we were using to get some naked baby shots. He hit Katie, but not the camera. 

Anyways, I am so happy about how they all turned out and will be getting them printed very soon. I loved getting them done in our home instead of in a studio, which just seems impersonal to me.

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