Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

We have now come to the end of May - which encompasses both Rusty and my wedding anniversary (21st) and our dating anniversary (31st). Rusty arranged with his mom (Memaw) to watch Adam at our apartment for a couple of hours. Boy, oh boy, what to do with a couple of hours with no baby. We decided to go to a nice restaurant that I had been wanting to visit for a while. Living in Atlanta, we had quite a few choices. We got dressed up a little and went out on the town (kind of). Our time together and our food were great! Oh, and here's a picture of the night next to our first picture together about seven years ago.

I won't say I wasn't nervous leaving Adam. I never thought I would be like that, but I definitely was. Unfortunately, he didn't give Memaw a good time. He pitched a big, giant fit. Hopefully, he'll get used to her and others as we move forward.

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