Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Good Ol' YP

As I've mentioned before, I left the corporate world to be a stay-at-home mom. I do not regret that decision one bit, nor do I think I will want to return to that world in the same capacity as I was. I will give you a little background. Rusty worked for a sector of AT&T call He was a reporting analyst at the time (he has since left to become a programmer at a different company) that I was graduating college. I graduated with a Marketing degree and a Sales certificate. Rusty heard through the grapevine that the SEO/SEM (Search Engine Optimization/Marketing) department was looking to expand. AT&T (our department was actually sold and will now be referred to as YP) is known for hiring entry level persons, so after some networking and interviews I got the job. Within three years I went from being the on the low end of the totem pole to the manager of the department.

Jump forward to now... we decided to visit good ol' YP this week. Although I don't miss the hours or the sales team ;) I do miss my boss and employees (and adult interaction in general). Regardless, the team was in love the moment they saw Adam. My co-manager, who is now even higher, took an instant liking to Adam and Adam to him. It was fantastic seeing the old crew and hopefully, I'll get to see them in the future as Adam grows.

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