Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Pigs, Dogs, and Dinosaurs

Woo! A lot has been done this week! I hope I can remember it all!

Julie and I decided to go geocaching (I know, I'm like ten years late), but it was really fun. There's a good bit of things to find around me, so hopefully I can do it some more!

Literally last Thursday I was asked to make cupcakes for Saturday. It didn't seem too bad and she liked the ideas I had, so I accepted. Friday morning, she asked if there was any way I could double it, but luckily I didn't have to go back out for more ingredients. I'm really happy the way they turned out. She wanted half The Little Mermaid and half dinosaur-theme, which we decided to do footprints.

Saturday, we went to Pigs n Peaches again this year and got a family photo. Julie, Grammy, and Grandpa join us this year and we ate lots and lots of BBQ!

Sunday, we had lunch with the Sullivan's, which is a pretty common thing, but I snapped this cute pic of Rusty, Keith, and Adam.

I tried out the new blender again - this time with strawberry ice cream. It was delicious! It isn't as healthy as the banana one because it uses cream, but that made it even more delicious!

National Dog Day has come again and I was able to get a picture with Adam and Kirby. Here's a comparison between it and last year. Crazy!

Julie, Adam, and I tried out a new park today. It's about the same distance as our normal park, but not as big. We really enjoyed the change of pace and trying out new things. I can definitely see us switching between the two from here on out.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

New Blender, New Shoes

The weather has been really amazing this week! We got to have tons of play time outside. We even got to play outside once Rusty got home, so he and Adam played tag.


We've been meaning to visit Rusty's mom (Memaw) at work and finally got around to it this week. She introduced him to all her co-workers at the eye doctor and went out to lunch with her. She was really excited to see us (especially Adam). Julie came with us too, so all she was missing was Rusty.


After church on Sunday, my parents watched Adam, so Rusty and I could do an escape room for a friend's birthday. There are several in Atlanta, but we went to Ultimate Escape Game Atlanta. It was really awesome! I recommend it to everyone. It is such an adrenaline rush and the hour ticks down so quickly. I can't wait to go back to try the other rooms.

We received two new things this week. Adam got a new pair of shoes. These are his first "real" pair. He's tripped a bit more than he was - probably because the soles are larger and harder - but he'll get used to them. He really likes wearing them though.

The second new thing is my blender! My old one started smoking a week or so ago when I tried to make banana ice cream, so after much research, I went with a Ninja Professional Blender - AND I LOVE IT! It made the banana ice cream the first night with no problems at all! Delicious!

Now that Adam has his new hair, I bought some kid hair spray and made his hair into a fohawk. He touches his hair quite a bit, so it wasn't perfect for long, but long enough to snap some cute photos.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Baby's First Haircut

We found out this week that Adam loves squash - like, absolutely loves it! Score one for veggies!

I've been working out with an 8 week strength training course. I realized today that Adam's been watching me more than I realize even though most of the workouts are being done while he naps. While I was doing the final stretches this week, I go to downward dog and Adam does it right along with me. It was cute and hopefully learning these things early will allow him not to struggle with his weight like I have.

Adam and Kirby have a close relationship - we all know this. This week, I showed Adam how to scratch Kirby's stomach. Kirby loves it and Adam loves it, so it's a win-win for everyone.

We hit a major milestone this week! Adam got his first haircut! He was starting to get a mullet, so I called the two most popular kid salons in the area. One was twice as expensive as the other and I didn't really need much, It was an... interesting experience. Adam hated every second of it. The hair stylist tried everything - songs, tv, toys, books, a sucker (which he's never had and didn't want it). She finally got it done, but he was not happy one bit.

He looks a lot older now, so that's crazy. Julie and I took him to a small nearby park after to make him feel better from his traumatic experience.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Happy, Scared Baby

Yay! We've been in our house for one year! Time has flown! Also - I have to really get moving on decorating. My walls are too bare.

Rusty's dad told us that Grammy's grandkids would be over, so we decided to join them so that Adam could play with his cousins. Not only did Adam get to bond with JoLynn and Jade, but he also got to enjoy jamming with Rusty and Grandpa. This kid loves music!

This week, we decided to surprise my dad (Papa) at his work and went out to lunch with him! He was very excited as was his coworkers! I love all these moments when Adam gets to bond with grandparents.

We found out something this week. Adam LOVES to be scared. We spent a long time jumping out behind corners to listen to him scream and then laugh hysterically. Julie was able to capture it when she jumped out at him from behind the couch.

Oh, and here Adam is in his new chair.