Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy Father's Day 2015!

Thursday, Adam and I went to the library for a K-9 unit demonstration and it was incredible. Adam didn't really get it except that there were dogs, but I actually learned a lot. We saw two different dogs out of the seven dogs in Cobb County. Fun fact: the K-9 units recovered $7.8 million in drugs last year alone! That's insane! The whole morning was definitely worth enduring the heat for!

When we got home, Adam made sure to give his own puppy some love!

Also on Thursday, my new dining room set came in! Yay! This has been a long time coming! I've been reviewing websites, visiting furniture stores, and last week, Rusty and I were out and about and finally had some time to look together. We found one we liked and sealed the deal and I am so happy with our choice. It is a dark wood, which goes great with our red and black kitchen. The table is on columns instead of legs, which gives us some more room to add chairs for events. It also seem more stable because the base is thicker (however, anything would be more stable than our old table).

Last Friday, I finished the 5 Day Challenge of Burning Fat and Building Lean Muscle with Fitness Blender (that's still a mouthful!) and boy am I exhausted. All of my muscles are sore and tired, but I feel great! I'm not planning on weighing until I've completed a month of working out, but I feel better than I did at the beginning!

Because we just got the new table, we HAD to have people over and have a game night! So that's just what we did once Rusty was done with work!

Saturday, I spent the day making a German Chocolate Cake for Father's Day (it was fantastic; get the recipe here) and playing board games! We were celebrating Rusty's Father's Day since Sunday would be devoted to my dad and his dad.

Sunday was Father's Day! We got my dad a gift card and a t-shirt that he posted on Facebook a while back (he loved it) and spent the afternoon with my whole family! In the evening, I made tacos for Rusty's dad and step-mom. It was a great family-filled day!

This morning we went to ToddlerTime at the library and Adam was pretty sure he was leading it! I love that he felt so comfortable because a lot of the time, he's super shy.

You know I've been working on redesigning Adam's bathroom for weeks now and I'm getting super close. I think I'll be done by the weekend because I have two pieces left. Other than Adam's bedroom, this will be the only completely decorated room and I'll reach my goal of having it done before Julie moves in. Update: Check out the finished Superhero Bathroom here!

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