Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mother's Day and Graduation


May just has so much stuff going on. We have no quiet weekends! Before we get into that, have you ever seen a baby hold his best friend's hand?

Thursday and Friday, Rusty went to Athens with his dad to Julie's graduation from UGA. His comments - he was in the car too much. I'm so excited for Julie as she enters a new stage in her life. It's on to sending out resumes and no more summer breaks. However, both Rusty and Julie are Bulldogs for life now!

During that time, I was cleaning and decorating for her party on Sunday! I wasn't going to have much (if any)  time on Saturday, so I really needed to get stuff done. I'm proud to say that I succeeded! By the end of Friday, our house was full on UGA party mode with streamers, tables, and cupcakes! The food was being done by my mother-in-law and stepmother-in-law (Memaw and Grammy) since they both wanted to be a part of throwing the party.

Saturday, we celebrated Mother's Day with my family! We went to my parents' house to hang out and give my mom her present. Then we headed to Wallace's BBQ (a family favorite) and ate our hearts out in ribs, BBQ, fries, and onion rings!

My sister finished editing First Birthday photos! They are so incredible! Check out more of the photos in THIS blog post! Because she finished them, I was able to give some of the prints to Rusty's mom to go with her Mother's Day present.

Sunday was fantastic and tiring! I woke up and got the food I needed to finish started right away. I had to pick up balloons and lunch around noon. Then, we got ready to party! Almost all of Rusty's family from Alabama got to come, so it was great to see them! Both Rusty's mom's side and his dad's side came along with Rusty's stepmom's dad! My parent's got to come too! That means that apart from my grandmother, all of the mother figures in my and Rusty's lives were able to enjoy the day with us on Mother's Day! Unfortunately, that did make me feel like Mother's Day was put on the back burner of the party and Rusty, myself and Adam didn't get to celebrate by ourselves - however, it was the only day the party could be and it went well. Julie seemed to have a great time and enjoyed a party for her.

Monday, I left the car seat in Rusty's car, so I couldn't do my grocery shopping like I do on Mondays. I instead figured a would clean the entire house to remove all evidence of a party. I am glad to say that I succeeded. By the time Rusty got home, all streamers, balloons, and other decorations were gone. All tables and chairs were put back in their place and the trash was taken out. All that is left is a couple of leftover cupcakes.

Tuesday, we are back on schedule with grocery shopping and cleaning out the fridge. Adam and I got to play outside with the make-shift water park again! Adam happened to fall into the mud...

Also, my May ipsy bag arrived! I'm much more pleased this week then I was last month - although I know I'll never use bronzer (with this pale skin) and probably not the bold lip gloss (it's just not my thing). The dry shampoo and relaxing pads are intriguing though.

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