Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

We have now come to the end of May - which encompasses both Rusty and my wedding anniversary (21st) and our dating anniversary (31st). Rusty arranged with his mom (Memaw) to watch Adam at our apartment for a couple of hours. Boy, oh boy, what to do with a couple of hours with no baby. We decided to go to a nice restaurant that I had been wanting to visit for a while. Living in Atlanta, we had quite a few choices. We got dressed up a little and went out on the town (kind of). Our time together and our food were great! Oh, and here's a picture of the night next to our first picture together about seven years ago.

I won't say I wasn't nervous leaving Adam. I never thought I would be like that, but I definitely was. Unfortunately, he didn't give Memaw a good time. He pitched a big, giant fit. Hopefully, he'll get used to her and others as we move forward.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

First Church Visit

We visited church for the first time this week! Yay! I have missed my church family, but wanted to wait until Adam had gotten his first set of shots... just in case. He was loved on so much. Our church has a "Nursing Mother" room, so I was able to sit in a dimly lit room with a rocking chair and nurse him so that he wasn't off his schedule.

Another notable thing that happened this week was Adam's sleeping. After our one month check-up, we were "released" from having to wake Adam up at least every four hours to sleep, but instead let him wake and feed on-demand. Adam slept in two, five hour stretches last night!! I'm someone  who needs sleep; I do not function well without sleep. I'm thankful that I have been blessed with a good sleeper so far.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

First Mother's Day

Mother's Day has been happening for forever. I've celebrated it for my mom and my grandmother, would say it to passing women and to the women at our church since I was very little. As you know, this year was the first year the day was celebrated for me! My husband is a sneaky guy - the night before he took the dog for a walk like he's done every night since I gave birth. It seemed like he was taking forever, but I just thought that the dog had gotten distracted or he was taking a long time to use the restroom. Fast-forward to Sunday morning, there were Calla lilies (my favorite flower) and a card. Rusty had gone out with the dog in tow to pick these things up at a grocery store down the road. Just a small gesture like this put this postpartum, hormonal woman in tears. My husband has such a trooper during this whole new chapter in our lives - he's just been amazing.

Adam also had his one month check-up this week. He got his first set of shots - which he did surprisingly well through. The pediatrician does have some concerns about his weight. He's just growing very, very slowly. Hopefully we can get his weight up by getting him more interested in food. Unfortunately, he is a "lazy baby" who doesn't like to work for his food.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Blessing of Family

We had some guests this week and it was such an amazing blessing. My grandparents - that would be Adam's great-grandparents - traveled up from Florida to visit their FIRST great-grandchild. They waited a couple of weeks after he was born, so that the hub-bub died down. Also, my grandfather HATES the cold, absolutely hates it, so they figured it would be warmer if they waited until May.

Anyways, it was so wonderful to see my grandparents since I don't see them that often, but it was an even greater joy for Adam to get to meet his first set of great-grandparents. Four generations in one room is just amazing.

 Oh, and also, we took our first "family photo" this week! We realized after we looked through all of our hospital photos and newborn photos that we didn't have any of us three.