Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Adam - The Singing Star

We had a pretty quiet week - no complaints here!

Adam told me on Thursday that he wanted to "sleep like Kirby" (well he said "Churby", but you know what he means... so I told him sure! He laid down on the floor and looked so cute!

Upon posted this pic on FB, my dad posted one from about six months ago - Adam has grown so much!!

Before and after church, Adam always asks if he can get on the stage, which I always tell him no since it's normally being used. This Sunday, since I was the one taking down the stage decorations, I told him sure. Keith proceeds to give him a microphone and you would've thought that he was performing a full-house concert. He paced the stage and looked out at the crowd. It was hilarious! Everyone was loving it!

Well, it looks like this week starts the beginning of at least a week of beautiful spring weather! We've spent tons of time at the park and outside at our house! Yesterday, Adam played at the park's playground, we walked the one mile trail, looked through the gate at the dog park - and Adam asked to play AGAIN at the playground! I was exhausted, but we had plenty of time, so we did it all. I'd say I got my exercise in!

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