Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Baby Bibs

This week we got Kirby's haircut again. He feels so much better - you can tell because he's jumping around. Afterwards, since my mother-in-law (Memaw) won't charge us for the grooming, I took her out to lunch. She chose Firehouse Subs - which is exactly what Rusty would've chosen.

I also got a cute Halloween bib and some socks in the mail from Adam's great-grandmother. She called me before it got here so I could be on the lookout. It was sweet of her to think of Adam when she saw it (he is her only great-grandchild).

I got to do nursery this Sunday at church. I love doing nursery and have been doing it since I was in middle school. The church we attend now is a much smaller church than I grew up in, which means there is less children. So even though I was there for any baby, my baby was the only one there. O.O

That just meant cuddles with Adam all morning! No complaints here!

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