Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Packing and Doctors

My week has been filled with packing, meeting people for utilities and of course, spending time with Adam. This week we had Adam's four month (FOUR MONTH) doctor appointment. Of course he got more shots, got a little drowsy, but woke up in a good mood. I had to tell my pediatrician that I wouldn't be using her anymore because we were moving. She was sad because she's fallen in love with our little boy, but understands that we wouldn't want to travel to Atlanta from the 'burbs. She gave some good recommendations with some pediatricians near us, so that will be added on my to do list before Adam's six month check-up. Unfortunately, Adam's weight has dropped to the 2nd percentile, so my breastfeeding him is just not working for him no matter how hard we tried. So moving forward we will add formula to his routine and next month we will add baby food. Hopefully, we'll get his weight up! On the other hand, he is already hitting six month milestones!

Here's another cute pic from the week of Kirby looking like the good watchdog that he feels he is. Love this dog so much and love that he loves the baby. Or maybe he's not being a watchdog, but they're just planning on taking over the world together.

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