Wednesday, August 27, 2014

National Dog Day

So yesterday we celebrated National Dog Day. We treat Kirby as part of the family, so why not. We made particular efforts to play and cuddle with Kirby.

We also got him a new crate. I put it together and he just fell in love with it. At our apartment, we put up baby gates to keep him in the kitchen when we left the house and at night. Because our new house has an open floor plan, that wasn't going to be possible. The only other crate we had at the time was a travel crate that was too small. I looked everywhere for a crate that didn't look cheap or tacky in the house. I believe I succeed - though I will say that it was a pretty big investment.

To end this post, I'll leave you Adam telling the world about the robot paci clip that Rusty bought and gave him this week.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Moving Day

Any one of you tried to hire a mover? Was it insanely expensive?

Rusty and I thought we would just hire movers after we packed everything. We were thinking a couple hundred dollars up to maybe seven hundred... yes, it's pricey, but thought it would  be worth it. A week before "moving day" I started calling movers for quotes. Every single one of them were over fifteen hundred - that's one thousand, five hundred dollars. That's crazy. So within a week we went from a plan to no plan. Not good for this controlling personality. Luckily, we have amazing family and friends! Rusty called five of his friends and they all agreed to help. We also called my dad, my brother and his dad and they agreed too! My mom and sisters came to "help" too, but they spent the entire time with the baby. We rented a U-haul for $150 and gave the helpers pizza and dessert for their time. We were able to do one big trip and finished within four hours - including travel time. Again, we are so incredibly grateful for those who offered to help.

That night we went to Copeland's to celebrate the move and my brother's new job (at YP - my former employer). I had crab ravioli and it was so delicious.

Here's Adam in the new kitchen in his Bumbo.

Adam has decided he's going to start talking... now he's even more like Rusty!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Packing and Doctors

My week has been filled with packing, meeting people for utilities and of course, spending time with Adam. This week we had Adam's four month (FOUR MONTH) doctor appointment. Of course he got more shots, got a little drowsy, but woke up in a good mood. I had to tell my pediatrician that I wouldn't be using her anymore because we were moving. She was sad because she's fallen in love with our little boy, but understands that we wouldn't want to travel to Atlanta from the 'burbs. She gave some good recommendations with some pediatricians near us, so that will be added on my to do list before Adam's six month check-up. Unfortunately, Adam's weight has dropped to the 2nd percentile, so my breastfeeding him is just not working for him no matter how hard we tried. So moving forward we will add formula to his routine and next month we will add baby food. Hopefully, we'll get his weight up! On the other hand, he is already hitting six month milestones!

Here's another cute pic from the week of Kirby looking like the good watchdog that he feels he is. Love this dog so much and love that he loves the baby. Or maybe he's not being a watchdog, but they're just planning on taking over the world together.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Ok, so crazy things this week! Rusty and I have been keeping it hush, hush in case something fell through - we closed on a house! That's right! July 31st we finalized and closed on our first house. It's been a whirlwind of emotions (mostly stress), but we did it. Now there are so many things running through my head because I'll be doing most of the packing since Rusty will be at work at the same time as pacifying the little one. We need to set up utilities, get furniture moved over, paint, clean carpets... and it goes on and on. BUT we're still so excited for yet another chapter in our lives.

So yesterday, we had a painter come to give an estimate. I want all new paint before we move in, so since we have almost a month before our lease is up in our apartment, it makes sense to do it first. The poor baby couldn't wait though for the painter though and was just too tired. Wait to do in a house with zero furniture - just stick him on a blanket on the floor.

Another big change, albeit not as big as buying a house, is that I donated almost a foot of hair this week! My hair grew so much over my pregnancy (I had it cut twice) that I needed it cut yet again. I decided that my hair will always grow back so why not help someone else out. It is still surprisingly wrong.