Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Crib Naps!

I've mentioned that we've had some issues getting Adam to nap without being held, so after searching through other mommy blogs, Pinterest and Google (whilst doing some soul-searching ^_^), I decided to try getting Adam to nap in the crib. I'm not saying I'll never do it - but at this moment, I'm not ready to try out the "Cry It Out" method. I found a multi-step plan to slowly get him into the crib while keeping him relaxed and sleepy. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, I can proudly say that Adam fell asleep, without being held, in his crib. He slept about 45 minutes - less than a regular nap, but longer than I expected. I didn't realize how much I could actually get done in 45 minutes!

I have no pictures of this miraculous event because I was NOT going to jeopardize this opportunity.

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