Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Five Months Old!

Our little baby has turned FIVE months old. He's becoming his own little individual. He giggles when his daddy tickles him or when you lightly blow his hair, he loves tummy time if Kirby is next to him and he's now eating baby food! Five months have flown by. I can't believe it. He's also become a master at sucking his toes. It's kind of hilarious to see and hear when he gets a good latch.

We went to the Taste of (our city) this weekend. It was delicious and revealed to us some restaurants we hadn't heard about. My parents, brother and eldest sister decided to join us (because who doesn't like to eat). About halfway through we decided to sit down and take Adam out of the carrier to get some air. When it was time to keep moving, my brother (Uncle James) decided to wear Adam instead of giving him back to Rusty. We got a pretty cute picture out of it.

Oh, and that hat that Adam is wearing was actually Uncle James's when he was a baby.

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