Wednesday, September 24, 2014

He Can Sit!

Big milestones this week! Adam can officially sit on his own! At five months, one week, he is a sitting by himself machine! He looks so much like a big boy being able to sit. Though he is still a little unstable so don't brush by him or he may tip over.

 Second milestone, Adam slept in his own crib all night long! Up until this past week he has napped in his crib, but at night he was still in the bassinet in our room. He did wake up once, but I walked in there, put his paci in his mouth and walked out without a word. He fell right back asleep and it was wonderful.

I also got him an exersaucer this week. I found one through OfferUp for a great deal (with no stains) and he absolutely loves it. Probably one of my favorite purchases through the app so far.

Lastly, Rusty and I (and Adam in the stroller) participated in our first 5K this past weekend! It is something that has been on my bucket list for forever and we finally did it. We were in the "stroller division" and were pretty much near the back, but we finished it! We will definitely do more in the future. I encourage everyone else to do at least one in your lifetime. The sense of accomplishment you get when you cross the finish line is indescribable.

After the 5K, we went to Paws in the Park (which was kind of a let down), our favorite BBQ joint with our best friends, Keith and Meghan (whom we've know since high school and lived next two for a year after we got married) and then to Coldstone (that's right, we rewarded ourselves with ice cream).

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Five Months Old!

Our little baby has turned FIVE months old. He's becoming his own little individual. He giggles when his daddy tickles him or when you lightly blow his hair, he loves tummy time if Kirby is next to him and he's now eating baby food! Five months have flown by. I can't believe it. He's also become a master at sucking his toes. It's kind of hilarious to see and hear when he gets a good latch.

We went to the Taste of (our city) this weekend. It was delicious and revealed to us some restaurants we hadn't heard about. My parents, brother and eldest sister decided to join us (because who doesn't like to eat). About halfway through we decided to sit down and take Adam out of the carrier to get some air. When it was time to keep moving, my brother (Uncle James) decided to wear Adam instead of giving him back to Rusty. We got a pretty cute picture out of it.

Oh, and that hat that Adam is wearing was actually Uncle James's when he was a baby.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Poop, Poop Everywhere

We are fortunate to live right next to a huge park, so we've been walking the trail there this last week. We're hoping to kick up our walking/exercise to helpfully see the pounds begin to drop off. We also walked our neighborhood for the first time this week too. Here's the thing though - Kirby is the laziest dog you may every meet. We got about halfway through our walk before Kirby stopped, laid in the middle of the sidewalk and would budge. We decided to turn back at this point, but Kirby still wouldn't move. We had to carry him the rest of the way... I thought dogs loved long walks...  Adam just slept the whole time. That's what happens when he is put in the carrier.

Poop. One day last week Adam was in his highchair and we were eating lunch. We were doing formula and baby food. Lunch is over so I take him out of the highchair and hold him in my lap while I gather up the leftovers. We stand. I look down... poop. Poop on him, poop on me and poop all over one of our dining room chairs. It was pretty disgusting. I ran upstairs and stuck him in the tub with all of his clothes on. I took off my clothes, threw them in the washer. Once I got us squared away, we came back downstairs and I began scrubbing my chair. After a good five minutes of constant scrubbing, I believe I got it all out and no one will know which chair is the poop chair. I'm sure some of my other mommies out there have similar stories. I can now be empathetic instead of just sympathetic to you all.

One last thing - the 7th was Grandparent's Day! Adam is so blessed to have five grandparents plus five great grandparents. Although I sent a FB shout out, here I go again: Happy Grandparent's Day to Memaw, Nana, Papa, Grammy and Grandpa!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Biggest Loser

Our new furniture arrived this week! Rusty and I set aside some of our "house" money for a new living room set. The furniture we had in the apartment was given to us by Rusty's father and worked great for two poor newlyweds. However, we were ready for a new set so that we could be comfortable and have enough seating for guests.

We went to three different stores and sat on countless couches, recliners and loveseats. American Signature Furniture won in the end and they delivered within a week. They also offered a warranty for a couple hundred dollars for any malfunctions OR stains for five years. With a new baby, we could definitely use protection from stains.

My parents' church (my home church) has a picnic at a nearby park every year, so Rusty and I decided to go (to eat and show off the baby of course). My dad loved showing everyone his grandson! One of my sisters and my brother decided to show up too!

One other notable happening this week, Rusty won Biggest Loser at his work. We've been talking about losing weight and getting more active and Rusty definitely took it to heart. He and some coworkers take a walk around the parking lot in the afternoon. He also completely cut out eating out. Rusty got into the habit of eating out in his last job, so now that he's taking his food we've literally saved HUNDREDS of dollars. It's a little insane. His company has ongoing Biggest Loser challenges, so he's already signed up for the next one and will hopefully be successful losing more weight!