Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fourth & Fireworks

What a better way to spend a three day/holiday weekend than with family and friends!

Last week was my mother-in-law's birthday! She was in Florida so we didn't get to celebrate that day, but we were able to FaceTime her instead!

I don't know how many of you have TimeHop, but I love it! I know Facebook has it's own thing now, but I love to check TimeHop each morning to see my past years on social media (about 8 years). This week, I got to see my sleeping baby a year ago - but what was funny was that I had just taken a sleeping picture of him. I can't help but snapping a picture of sweet Adam when he's sound asleep.

On to the weekend - it was a blast! Friday (because most everyone had the day off), we went to my parents' house for dinner. My dad spent the entire day smoking ribs on the grill. Umm... can you say tender and delicious! We also had corn on the cob, fruit, potato salad, and apple pie. Adam couldn't get enough corn on the cob, so he was occupied the entire time eating all of his corn.

Saturday, we went over to Rusty's friend from college's house and lots of his college friends were there. We did the same thing last year and it was Adam's first big outing at the time. We showed up a little later than everyone else so Adam could have a full nap and I'm glad we did because he had a wonderful (and happy) time! Everyone loved him and took turns playing with and talking with him. I love to sit back and see how this group has changed. Rusty and I were the first to get married and the first (and so far only) couple to have a kid. Within the past year though, another couple got married and another got engaged. People are buying houses and changing jobs. One is a full doctor and another is a college professor. I say it all the time, but time is flying by.

Also on Saturday, it was Adam's first experience with fireworks. I was concerned that the sound would scare him, but again, I was wrong. He loved them and his eyes lit up every time the lights exploded.

Sunday, we went to church and there was actually five other kids in Adam's nursery class. Normally there's only one or two, but not this week (which is strange since our pastor is in Haiti so we had a guest speaker). He had a great time and played well.

We went for lunch with The Sullivan's afterward at Mellow Mushroom and had a great time (like always). After that, even though Adam hadn't had a nap, we decided to spend the rest of the afternoon with Rusty's dad and step-mom (Grandpa and Grammy) since they live close to our church. Another great time was had by all. Grandpa even got out his guitar and Adam was in love. We gave him the little guitar to play along and he held it correctly just like Grandpa. That boy loves music. We didn't even get out of the neighborhood before Adam fell fast asleep.

Monday, because Rusty's mom (Memaw) had returned from her vacation, we invited her over for dinner. We ate tacos and she just got to spend some time playing and talking with Adam. We didn't have anywhere extra to be, so everyone was relaxed. She's in the process of redecorating her living room and I'm really excited about her thoughts about it because I think it will open up the room and make it feel bigger.

Yesterday, Adam and I spent most of the day helping my mom clean her basement. My sisters and I lived down there during middle and high school so we still have a lot of our old stuff in that room. My parents are trying to clean out, reorganize, and redecorate there house, so this is just another step in the process. I contributed to the mess, so I should help clean it. I'm really excited to help out when it's clean and we can paint and decorate the walls. I feel like a lot of people in my life (including myself) are redecorating - AND I LOVE IT! I'm super obsessed with a lot of HGTV shows now that they've been added to Netflix.

Today was a fun-filled day. Adam and I attended Toddler Time, and Rusty was home for the day. We hung out at home for the day after the library. After dinner, I was able to talk Rusty into going to the pool and he even said we should do it more. Adam loved every second from getting splashed to pretending to swim. He didn't even cry when his face (accidentally) went under.

That's it for this post. I have some projects I'm working on and some ideas for some others that I can't wait to share when they're completed!

Oh, and Happy Independence Day!

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