Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Goals!

So we went out of 2014 with a BANG! Ha ha, just kidding, we did it very quietly, with a fizzle.

The last week or so has been pretty quiet overall. Adam has been playing with all of his new toys and wearing his new outfits. Kirby has been confused as ever as to which are his toys and which are Adam's. I kind of just let them both play with each other's toys.

One present that wasn't in last week's photo was a car that was given to us by Rusty's aunt in Alabama. Adam just loves it! We can put him in it and he is fine, rocking back in forth, for thirty minutes without needing attention from anyone else.

Rusty and I were featured in a "Year In Review" from my sister's photography FB page. Can't really believe I was so huge. It was of course during our maternity pictures.

Anyways, last night we were going to have a small get together for the New Year with the Sullivans and the Koons. Unfortunately, Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Koon were sick and they decided not to be near the baby (very thankful). Rusty and I figured it would just be the two of us, doing what we always do, but Jon Koon decided to come over once he helped his wife put their kids to bed. The Koons live in San Francisco, so we only get to see them once a year or so. Jon and Rusty have been best friends since middle school, so he came over and the boys caught up on life. We all then started to play Nintendo Land (really easy and really fun games for a small group since they're quick games) and none of us even realized midnight hit until it was past.

I've been really been thinking about goals for this next year. I haven't completely decided everything, but Rusty and I are hoping to make one healthy, lifestyle change each month. We're hoping that small changes will lead to bigger results. For the first couple of months, I'll be focusing on nutrition (because it's something I struggle with and because I can't take the baby out to run in the cold weather).
January's goal: no caffeine, no desserts, less worrying

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