Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Half Of A Year

October 11th, Adam turned six months old. Our little guy is a half of a year old!

We used our new pediatrician (about three weeks ago I had a tour, I don't think I ever wrote about it) and I think I'm really going to like it! The place we were at before had one doctor, smaller facility, but still really nice people. This one has four full time doctors and four part time doctors. There are always four doctors at the office and each one specializes in something. The doctor we had this time (you can choose one doctor every time or use them all, so we're trying them out) specializes in behavior and allergies. Anyways, they also have separate entrances for sick kids, well kids and newborns. They also have a whole facility next door for the same doctors, but for when the kids turn 13 and older so they don't feel like little kids in the other building. They even have an app for you to view all of your child's records, prescriptions and to ask questions directly to your doctor. So far, I'm very impressed and Adam seemed to take to the doctor very quickly.

We were told Adam is perfect. He has gained a good bit of weight so he's up to the 10th percentile, instead of the 2nd like he was before. He is in the 33% for height and the 27% for head circumference. The pediatrician says he is just a small guy. He got the last shots that he'll have for a while - except for a flu booster that he'll get in one month. I'm so thankful for a healthy baby!

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