Wednesday, August 27, 2014

National Dog Day

So yesterday we celebrated National Dog Day. We treat Kirby as part of the family, so why not. We made particular efforts to play and cuddle with Kirby.

We also got him a new crate. I put it together and he just fell in love with it. At our apartment, we put up baby gates to keep him in the kitchen when we left the house and at night. Because our new house has an open floor plan, that wasn't going to be possible. The only other crate we had at the time was a travel crate that was too small. I looked everywhere for a crate that didn't look cheap or tacky in the house. I believe I succeed - though I will say that it was a pretty big investment.

To end this post, I'll leave you Adam telling the world about the robot paci clip that Rusty bought and gave him this week.

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