Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Madelyn Is Here!

Adam has taught himself how to flip/roll on the ground. He always says "Woah!" after because that's how I reacted the first time he did it. The question is "how does he fold himself in half like that?"

This week, we got to see quite a bit (for Georgia, of course) of snow! Last year, Adam was still pretty young and couldn't walk, so I brought some inside for him to play with. THIS year, we all got bundled up and went to play. Adam hated it! He didn't want to touch it, taste it, or throw it. Rusty wasn't really having it either. We probably only stayed outside for fifteen minutes when Adam was ready to go back.

Over the weekend, I went to a shower for Rusty's step-sister, Jasmin. She'll be having a little boy in late February or early March. I was given the opportunity to make cake pops and cookies for it. Knowing they're a big hunting family, I also made a hunting themed blanket for the new baby. She loved it, so that's all I could ask for!

Last Thursday was a BIG day! Wednesday night we got a call that our good friends, The Sullivans, were headed to the hospital because Meghan's water broke! The plan was that we would get their dog as soon as she felt contractions, but because it broke, they had to go before we could get the dog. Since it was late, they told us just to wait until the morning and I could get their house key to get the dog. So yesterday, Adam and I head to the hospital to pick up the key - and they ALREADY had the baby! Madelyn is here! Meghan's labor was all of three hours (which is a blessing because we prayed for a low stress delivery for her)! Adam wasn't allowed to go to the room, so Keith came out and watched him in the lobby for a few minutes so I could see my friend and her baby!

They were released from the hospital on Saturday, so we decided to bring them dinner. Adam was told not to touch Madelyn, but he could look at her. He just kept repeating her name over and over. We are so excited from them! Here's a pic where Meghan is holding Adam almost two years ago and I am holding Madelyn from this weekend.