Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rolling Over and Bumbo

This week Adam got to meet one more great-grandmother. Rusty's mother and her mother came over to meet him for the first time. She has been wanted to meet him for a while, but has actually been in the hospital herself for being sick. Once she got out, she decided she wanted to be 100% before seeing him so she wouldn't be tired and would be able to hold him. Great decision. As she held him, Adam was the most talkative I've ever seen him. He also smiled and laughed which completely made her day. I'm so glad she has gotten better and has come to visit.

That visit completed Adam's introduction to all of his living, great-grandparents. I'm so excited that Adam has these five great-grandparents and I know that he has blessed their lives (trust me, they've all told me multiple times).

Milestone alert: Adam also rolled over this week! Here's what went down. I put him on his stomach for "Tummy Time" after his breakfast, then I left his room to grab my pumping gear from the bathroom (my routine is to pump during tummy time). I came back and that little baby was on his back! At first I was afraid that Kirby had knocked him over, but Kirby was in the living room when I looked around. Yay for kicking that milestone's booty at ten weeks old!

This week I purchased a Bumbo that was recommended to me by many other mommies. Adam loves it and I love it. He likes to sit and watch me work around the house and I can work around the house without having to hold him.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Four Generations!

We had our two month doctor appointment this week. Overall, he is hitting his milestones with leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, he is still not gaining weight as much as they would like him to. He is only in the 10 percentile for weight even though he is in the 50th (ish) for height and head circumference. We'll really be working the next two months to get that weight up. He also had more shots, which again, he did very well with.

This was also Father's Day week - which was the first time Rusty got to celebrate for himself (Adam and I got him a card and some Ferrero Rocher). We decided we would spend the day in Alabama, which is where Rusty's grandparents and extended family lives. It was another blessed day where Adam got to meet another set of great-grandparents.

He was in love with Barbara (Rusty's paternal grandmother). I think her jewelry mesmerized him.

We were also able to get a four generational picture of all the Bailey men. Rusty's dad (Grandpa) was the only son, Rusty was the only son and now Adam will carry on the family surname.

We were able to get a family pic while we were there too! As you can see from this pic, I am done some of my pregnancy weight, but am working super hard to get down to pre-pregnancy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sad Baby Meme

This week was a pretty low-key week, which I was thankful for. One notable milestone was that Adam slept SEVEN hours and has been for the last couple of days! That's right folks, SEVEN HOURS! I've said it before, but I'm so thankful that God blessed me with a good sleeper. Everyone has told me that my next won't be, but right now, I have no complaints.

As the days go by, Adam is more and more like Rusty, in looks and personality. Slowly he is becoming goofier, which for those of you who know his dad, know where he gets it. They look so similar too - there is no question about who this baby belongs to.

We also spent some time with my family, which was enjoyable as it always was. This time however, my sister (the photographer) took this fantastic picture that has now been used as a meme for our family.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Good Ol' YP

As I've mentioned before, I left the corporate world to be a stay-at-home mom. I do not regret that decision one bit, nor do I think I will want to return to that world in the same capacity as I was. I will give you a little background. Rusty worked for a sector of AT&T call He was a reporting analyst at the time (he has since left to become a programmer at a different company) that I was graduating college. I graduated with a Marketing degree and a Sales certificate. Rusty heard through the grapevine that the SEO/SEM (Search Engine Optimization/Marketing) department was looking to expand. AT&T (our department was actually sold and will now be referred to as YP) is known for hiring entry level persons, so after some networking and interviews I got the job. Within three years I went from being the on the low end of the totem pole to the manager of the department.

Jump forward to now... we decided to visit good ol' YP this week. Although I don't miss the hours or the sales team ;) I do miss my boss and employees (and adult interaction in general). Regardless, the team was in love the moment they saw Adam. My co-manager, who is now even higher, took an instant liking to Adam and Adam to him. It was fantastic seeing the old crew and hopefully, I'll get to see them in the future as Adam grows.